Socially Conscious Public Art

Searching for kairos moments

After a successful architecture practice in Colorado,   I now apply my systemic design thinking into socially conscious public art.  Using the inclusiveness and the deeply stirring capacity of art and design to highlight, draw out, investigate and activate social injustices and climate catastrophes, we can be awakened into action.

My work is now called to bring activist-oriented design charrettes and guided meditations to people through what I call ‘humaning’ evolutionary journeys with the Peace Portal Project being a guiding light in this work as a silent rebellion for greater futures.

Build it

A forever student

John Paul Lederach's The Moral Imagination

“The case I wish to make is that we must give room to the artistic side of this work. What would happen to process and intervention designs if we intentionally created spaces that made room for categories we would name “artistic moments and attitudes” in the design of professional responses to social change? This could, for example, suggest that we encourage in far more intentional ways the disciplines and joys of journaling, storytelling, poetry, painting, drawing, music, and dance as part of the design process itself.”

To explore this further, I enrolled in the University of Edinburgh - Edinburghs Futures Institute - to develop my capacity within socially conscious art.

Book a Peace Portal

If you would love to have the Peace Portal as an active artistic expression of Peace in your neighbourhood then please connect with me to discuss how this can happen.